昨晚於網路上觀BBC 1臺曾經播過的小型電視劇'The Village',與Downton Abbey所描繪的社會圈不同,這部小劇的主角人物們都來自當時二戰年代英國鄉村的平民。
其中有一段英國小學生速記歷代君王的詩,也係我的第一位English Tutor在給我教書時背過的,自己對這詩的記憶卻早已停留在第一段了,假這機會找出來再次重溫一下。
Willie willie Harry Steve
Harry Dick John Harry 3.
Edward 1 2 3 Dick two
Harrys 4 5 6 then who?
Edward 4 5 Dick the bad,
Harrys twain and ned the lad.
Mary Bessie James you ken
Charlie Charlie James again.
William and Mary Anne of Gloria,
Georges (4) Will 4 Victoria.
Edward 7 Georgie 5
Edward George and Liz (alive)
- Billy, Billy, Henry, Steve,Henry, Dick, John, Henry Three,Three Teds, Richard Two,Three more Henrys - then what's new?
- Two more Teds and Dick the Bad,Two more Henrys, Ted the Lad,Mary, Bess and Silly Jim,Charles (they beheaded him),One more Charles, Jamie Two,Bill-and-Mary, Anne: then who?Four Georges, Billy, then Victoria,(This little list's not meant to bore ya!)Ted the Seventh liked his fun,Georgie was a quiet one,Ted was an abdicator reckoned,
- Then came George and Bess the Second.