27 Aug 2013


昨晚於網路上觀BBC 1臺曾經播過的小型電視劇'The Village',與Downton Abbey所描繪的社會圈不同,這部小劇的主角人物們都來自當時二戰年代英國鄉村的平民。

其中有一段英國小學生速記歷代君王的詩,也係我的第一位English Tutor在給我教書時背過的,自己對這詩的記憶卻早已停留在第一段了,假這機會找出來再次重溫一下。
Willie willie Harry Steve
Harry Dick John Harry 3.
Edward 1 2 3 Dick two
Harrys 4 5 6 then who?
          Edward 4 5 Dick the bad,
Harrys twain and ned the lad.
          Mary Bessie James you ken
Charlie Charlie James again.
William and Mary Anne of Gloria,
Georges (4) Will 4 Victoria.
Edward 7 Georgie 5
Edward George and Liz (alive)
Billy, Billy, Henry, Steve,
Henry, Dick, John, Henry Three,
Three Teds, Richard Two,
Three more Henrys - then what's new?
Two more Teds and Dick the Bad,
Two more Henrys, Ted the Lad,
Mary, Bess and Silly Jim,
Charles (they beheaded him),
One more Charles, Jamie Two,
Bill-and-Mary, Anne: then who?
Four Georges, Billy, then Victoria,
(This little list's not meant to bore ya!)
Ted the Seventh liked his fun,
Georgie was a quiet one,
Ted  was an abdicator reckoned,
Then came George and Bess the Second.